Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dogably Pawfect Saturday

It's another Dogably Pawfect Saturday, created by Sean of Just a Jeep Guy DC. All pictures are from .

It is late Saturday morning and I just arrived home from my drunken caroling adventure in relatively good condition. Over 50 colleagues rented a tour "party" bus after work. Fuelled by much alcohol and food, we raced around town for +8 hours, making frequent caroling stops. It was the most insanely fun time ever.

I thought it was very sweet that young 30ish organizers of the event included stops at the homes of a great many of our retired colleagues. The retirees were thrilled to be serenaded by the motley crew of drunken former colleagues, screaming Christmas carols from their front lawns.

Normally, I never drink at work events as even a couple of drinks will put me under the table and make me feel sick for days afterwards. Given the tumultuous year I've had, I decided to get pissed-drunk at an early stage in the evening.... I needed to let loose.

It was the safest possible environment to do this. My colleagues had never seen me in this condition and so kept a close eye on me so I wouldn't do anything dangerous or end up in jail. I don't regret getting so drunk, but next year, I know I'll have more fun not drinking at all.

I had planned with a colleague to take an inappropriate picture of me to post on the blog. It would have been a picture of me standing at the back of the carolers mooning the camera.

Sadly, it didn't happen.  I didn't want to do this during daylight hours as our professional organization frowns upon such behaviour.  But as soon as it got dark, the temperatures dropped to -15... too cold to linger outdoors.  Darn!


  1. anne marie in phillyDecember 10, 2011 at 2:05 PM

    awwwwwwww, such cute doggies!

    I'll take the guy in the second pix with the sunglasses please; I would like to do VERY naughty things with/to him!

  2. How do they get the dogs' and guys' expressions to match?

  3. Scary! The third dog almost has a human like attitude!!!


  4. anne marie: thanks for commenting, sweetie!

    Will: they say that dogs and their owners start to look like each other after a while. I find all these doggies and their men unbelievably cute!

    Jon: yes, I see what you mean!

  5. Is that an x-ray at the top of the blog?

  6. Anonymous: That's a scanned X-ray of my teeth which I wrote about in "Wisdom." I needed to e-mail the X-ray to the large cancer centre where I had my radiation treatments to see if they feel HBO is necessary.

    I think the X-ray looks cool. That's my diamond stud earring in the far right of the picture.


Please tell me what you're thinking!


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