I don't normally edit posts retroactively. I made two "faux pas" in this post (discussed in the comments) which I feel badly about and must correct. I'll show the changes in red font.
At first, I was extremely hesitant about doing this meme from Cubby at
Patently Queer. I did it because (I assume) there are many bi/gay/married/closeted/middle-aged fathers who are reading this blog regularly and anonymously.
I know what it's like to be in your shoes. By reading this meme, I hope that you will feel less alone; you may even see some similarities with your own situation.
Name: Buddy Bear
Country: British Columbia, Canada
Age: 45
How old were you when you first realized you were gay? In my mid-30s, I first noticed an attraction to men. I threw in the towel several months ago and admitted to myself that I was gay, rather than bi. Who knows? I might be bi, but I'm now exclusively identifying as gay. It's not as though I am ever going to be alternating: having sex with a woman one night, a man with the next!
Although I am a gay virgin, I am pretty sure that I have a strong preference for guys.
Do you have more gay friends or straight friends? I only have straight friends
in my real life; I have quite a few (in fact more) gay friends online. It's only with my online friends that I can be completely honest about my thoughts, feelings and fears; they are quickly becoming my true friends.
Biggest turn on? Furry torso and legs, nice ass, pleasant personality.
Biggest turn off? Closed-mindedness, intolerance
Ever been harassed due to your orientation? Never. No one figured it out, including me!
Have you ever been surprised at the reaction of people who know you are gay? The surprise was that it wasn't a big deal to them.
What is the worst gay stereotype? That gays are promiscuous and all have HIV / AIDS.
Are you a stereotype? No.
Ever been to a pride rally? No -
But I hope to go this June!
Do you go to gay bars? No, the nearest one is 400 miles away.
How old were you when you first told someone you were gay? 45 (several months ago)
Did you plan it? If so, how? I just told them, flat out, at each of their homes.
What made you choose that person to tell? I told my whole family (wife, two teenage kids, siblings, parents) and very close friends. They're the only people that matter.
How did you feel? That a great weight was off my chest. Happier and freer.
Have you ever been snubbed by someone after coming out to them? No
Have you come out to your family? Yes, all of them.
Why did you come out at that point? Needed to explain why I was getting divorced.
Are you out at work? A couple of close colleagues, yes. The entire organization, no.
If not, why not? (1)
Biggest reason: given the somewhat "high profile" nature of my job and my small town, it would basically mean coming out to the whole town. I'm fine with that and in fact, look forward to it. But I have to be sure that my kids would be okay with it first. There's no rush! (2) We never discuss sex at work, heterosexual or otherwise. (3) Being gay is only a very small part of who I am. (4) It's nobody's business by my own.
If you’ve been outed unwillingly, who did it? It was willingly.
What does being out mean to you? Living the truth. Enabling the kids to understand why my marriage was so unhappy. Ensuring the kids live in two happy households, rather than one household filled with tension and anger.
They have commented on the "happier households" already!
What advice would you give someone wanting to come out? If you're a bi/gay/married father, consider the impact on your wife and children. You still have a responsibility to your family unit.
I believe that the wives of closeted gay/bi men would want their husbands to come out to them as soon as possible. This gives her the option of starting a new life with a "real man", while she is still young.
By "real man", I only meant a heterosexual man who is 100% interested in having passionate sex with his woman. A man who desires and lusts after his wife completely. Although (I like to think) I was very good at having sex with my wife, I was really just just going through the motions. I think woman can always sense this difference.
Gay men are very much "real men." Having had to do battle all their lives, they are in fact courageous warriors.
In time, the children will be perfectly okay with having a "gay Dad", but think carefully and (if you are still talking) discuss it with their mother before coming out to the kids. Variables include their ages, peer group and the state of gay-acceptance in your community. My kids were perfectly okay with my announcement.
If you could do it all again, would you do it any differently? If so, how? No changes. I came out immediately when I acknowledged (to myself) I was gay. This self-awareness could have occurred at a younger age, but it didn't. I can't change history. By figuring out I was gay later in life, I did end up with two fantastic children; not every gay man is that lucky! Everyone's journey is different.