Saturday, January 26, 2013

New bare ass pics of Buddy

First, here are a few hot men - cute dog pics for Sean's Dogably Pawfect Saturday.

I spent Friday night at home feeling a little lonely... a rarity for me... although I was with my little doggie and my daughter.  Then I realized that it was the first day which I had not seen my new friend since we first met a week ago.  At least, as far as I remember.  It's been an event-filled week... a bit of a blur, actually.

I'm also wondering if I'm feeling out-of-sorts because I might be approaching a transition between my slut phase and something else ... but I am completely not certain. At some point, some discussion will be required. Need it be an all-or-nothing proposition?  

I've already turned down several less-appealing guys on with the excuse "I'm seeing someone."  I don't think that describes my situation at this stage in any way but it seemed a kinder way of giving someone the brush-off.   I just wasn't interested.

I`ve been camera-less for many months but no longer!  Cubby of Patently Queer generously sent me his excellent "old" camera which he no longer needed as his SmartPhone serves that function.  Thanks, Cubby!! 

So here are a few self-pics taken at sunrise today including the banner photo.  It's still pretty chilly but much warmer than it's been in recent days.  In the pictures, I'm looking out at my frozen front yard. 

I must say, I do like these photos of me  I've lost just over ten pounds and I can see the results already!  But the lighting I used for these pics  (candle + desk lamp) certainly created some odd-looking shadows on my legs .... but I couldn't be bothered to re-shoot them.


  1. Yay! You're very welcome. I'm glad you like the camera. Coincidentally, I was just wondering yesterday if you ever got it since you never made mention of it. Sorry I didn't send the batteries with it, but I was afraid if I did so I'd be violating some crazy American anti-terrorist law and they'd deport me to Uruguay even though I'm not from there!

    Now Buddy, you're not fooling anyone, especially me. I know you took some full-frontal pics, sans hands. How about sending me one? Let me see what I'm missing out on by not kidnapping you when I had the chance. xoxo

    1. Cubby, thanks again for the camera.... it's a beauty! I've been swamped with requests for cock shots ... SWAMPED I tell you!! .... from guys on the online hookup sites.

      But I always tell them "no" ... I don't have any. And that's really the truth! And it's not that mine is in some way unattractive; it's just that I think sending pics of your cock is not necessary and somewhat unsexy.

  2. I'm seeing Cubby on Friday - I really must thank him! The pics are nicely done and you look great. I can only imagine what you share on!

  3. Very nice pics. Shadows make you look like wearing thigh high stockings in the first pic. LOL
    I'm not surprised you are transitioning out of the slut phase. I've always figured you for somone with high morals. Plus if you stayed as long in the marriage as you did, you LIKE being with a steady someone. Even here you have said you eventually want to get married again. Finding someone when you aren't looking is usually the best kind to find. Good luck. Just sorry I didn't have chance when you were in full on slut mode. LOL

    1. Thanks for commenting and your best wishes! You are very smart and perceptive. I would agree with all of the points you made especially the one about liking being married.

  4. Good pics. I like the lighting. It's intriging. Nice bod.

  5. dayum, now I'm all hot and bothered by these pix... ;-)

  6. NIIICE!

    Peace <3

  7. I've never equated having good sex with a lot of great guys with being immoral. I hate that sex has been demonized by so many religions and that their narrow, repressive viewpoint has been forced onto so many people. Sex is a beautiful gift to us, meant to be savored and shared.

  8. dl.miley, anne marie and Jay: thanks for the positive comments on my picture!

    Will: I agree that sex is to be savoured and shared. But you need a very strong, secure relationship for that sharing to happen and at this stage, things are very tentative.

    Ur-spo: Sorry, but I doubt I will ever show my face on my blog unless I retroactively remove all the half-nekkid pics of me and the descriptions of my sexual encounters. It would be professional suicide if my students ever saw those things.

    Haven't I emailed you a face pic of me? I could do that!

    1. I love the two candid naked photos of you...The mystery of you with the lighting is excellent...Keep it that way...

    2. Thanks! I much prefer natural lighting for pictures!

  9. Hey Buddy. Nice little bubble but there. Chris


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