I'm feeling quite unmotivated about blogging these days although my gay adventures are never-ending. My life seems "all gay, all the time" but I think I just have a heightened sense of queer awareness which did not exist for the first 40 years of my life. I notice gay people and situations everywhere I go.
For the first time, I wondering if I might be little depressed: our winter is dragging on seemingly forever, with night-time temperatures still dipping to as low as -20 C (-4 F). As well, my parents are both starting to show their age and that saddens and concerns me.
But the concern is my difficult financial situation: my ex and I are equally sharing expenses for my son's commercial diving programme (some $30,000 for the year) and he has now run out of cash. The only saving grace is that these expenses will end in June and he's confident that he will be employed in his field soon.
These expenses are in addition to my usual ones: my mortgage (having
bought my ex out of our home), spousal support, insurance, utilities, my property taxes, the kids' cell phones and on
and on. But this situation won't last forever but for the moment, I'm highly stressed out and bored with being frugal and having to worry about every $5.00 that I spend. :-|
But here's my gay news or the week:
1. I spent an evening and and entire day at a LGBTQ student workshop which attracted over 150 students, grades 7 to 11, mainly from small towns all over the region. Some of the groups travelled 500 km to attend!
The students were all excited, fabulous and highly motivated in their queer activism, but their challenge will come when they try to bring change to their isolated communities.
2. At school, the couple of GSA kids and I are feeling pressure from principal to stage a big "gay" event, the
April 8 Day of Pink.
The GSA kids have so many issues on their own so, in desperation, I had to seek help from the Students' Council kids who very quickly made plans for the day: Pink T-shirt sales, Pink Day Posters, Pink Cup Cakes sales, announcements and the like.
3. I have posted several times about my fuck buddy, an
aboriginal dude who had bariatric surgery and who works in a gold mine in the northern part of our province was in town. Aboriginal Fuck Buddy was in town for a "wild weekend" which included me!
In addition to having sex, what he really wanted from me was intimacy, conversation with a friend and cuddling in bed all night long..... meaning, he asked me to sleep over in his swanky hotel room!

This made for a very, very long day for me: up at 6:00 a.m. to walk the dogs, arrived at school early to finish my supply teacher preparations, dropped my doggies off at my parents' for doggy-sitting and then on to the LGBTQ student conference which ended for the teachers at 7:00 pm (They fed us supper. Yum!)
sThen, I had to pick up my dogs, drive some 30 km home, get them settled for the night and THEN, drive 30 km to his hotel by 10:00 pm. It was very special, not just the bedtime and morning sex, but especially everything in between; sweet kissing, spooning and falling asleep with masculine guy in my arms. Very sweet!
4. I find myself double booked for Monday: the 19 year old university student / drag perfomer who I blogged about
here and
here is leaving town permanently in two weeks and he wants to spend "all day" with me, our last time for sweet intimacy. I"ll miss him!

As well, I have a coffee date with a 67 year old formerly-married guy, extremely handsome and just coming out in a big way in town. I've met him several times at the 5O+ LGBTQ social group in town and he wants to become involved in our Pride committee. He's slim, extremely handsome with striking blue-green eyes and an amputee with one leg missing below the knee.
While I don't really want to hook up with someone that old, he's funny, charming, successful and intelligent. I think he's looking for a friend and also someone to cuddle with. We'll see what happens!