Monday, June 1, 2015

I'm okay!

 Me in some Andrew Christians: May 2015

Not only have I fallen off the blogging wagon, the wagon has disappeared over the horizon and I've forgotten that it even existed. Two months without blogging or even reading others' blogs. Wow!

I've been swamped  with texts, Facebook messages and e-mails (actually, about six!) from online and real-life blog-reading friends who were concerned about my disappearance from the blogosphere. Thank you for your concern!   I'm sorry to have worried you.

I can't imagine how I found the time for blogging every second day early in the days of my coming out / divorce drama.  On the other hand, I miss sharing my stories and reading about others' adventures.   I'm sure my blogging audience has pretty much disappeared but I'm thinking that posting more frequently but with much shorter posts would make it seem like less of a chore.

I have been doing well;  just extremely busy.  School has become busier and busier but not only with the classroom teaching and numerous extracurricular activities.  I've had many requests to attend numerous Professional Development workshops of various kinds which cause disruptions to my usual teaching schedule and suck up much time needed for supply teacher preparation.

It seems that the different Board Office flunkies running the various workshops needed to spend their entire budgets by the end of May or the money would be lost;  that's why all the PD sessions seemed to be coming at us so quickly.  Finally, I said to my Principal:  "Enough!  I'm done!" and discovered that I could indeed say "no."

My Principal also pointed out that I can also say "no" to school extra-curricular involvements at school.   My school has an extremely low rate of teacher volunteerism (for running clubs, coaching etc) and he said that when I came to the school in September, I was "fresh meat" and was swamped with requests to help out with everything.  I love working with young people outside of the classroom, but I am at the risk of burning out. I'll need to take a close look at what activities I volunteer for.  I've taken on too much and need to say "no" more often.

I was also on the steering committee running a major environmental conference for high school youth: which was a monstrous task. The conference attracted some 150 participants, most from the USA, and was a huge success but very exhausting.   As well, I'm on our local Pride organizing committee; very satisfying but the pace of work is intensifying as our Pride week is fast approaching.

As well, I've been helping out with some other queer community groups;  one involving elderly LGBTQ folks and the other or young people in their late teens and early 20s.

As my university daughter is back living with for the summer, I had to spend countless hours this month completing my bathroom renovations;   being toilet-less was not an option!

As well, I've continued with my usual sluttish ways and have had some fantastic sexytimes with some pretty spectacular young men, sadly, all out of my age range. My concern is now that when I DO start looking for Mr. Right,  it will be impossible to find someone my age who will measure up.   Details to follow.  


  1. Welcome back, you have been missed. I have not commented before, but have been an avid lurker. I think you are one of the most interesting bloggers out there and all of your other interests make your sexual journey so much richer. Please post whatever length and frequency suits you but please let us hear regularly.

    1. One of the most interesting bloggers?" Wow! Thank you! You're too kind!

  2. Oh good, I think we all got a bit concerned that after your fall you didn't post anymore. So it's good to hear you are okay ;)

  3. Yeh, maybe short posts are a good idea so we know you are ok. I miss you lots! Xoxo

    1. Forgot to say keep it up with your undies! Hot!

  4. ummmmmmmmmm, nice sexay photos! ;-)

    I KNEW you were ok, just busy with end-of-school-year crap. both my neighbors are teachers; last day is june 12 round here.

    come back and visit with your old friends now.

  5. Missed you a LOT! Was thrilled to see your blog back at the top of the list!

    I hear you about getting too damn busy! I have had photo shoot after photo shoot, lots of ROSMY activities, amateur radio stuff out the yingyang, and trying to spend time with the boy. It doesn't get much better! Next 4 weekends are BUSY and then I am headed to Kansas City with stops there and in between for some fun times ;-) ;-)!!!

    Glad all is well! Glad you have a toilet again! HAHAHAHAHA

    Peace <3

  6. I too am glad to get your updates.

  7. Welcome back! It was very good to see your new blog post this morning. The end of the school year should give you some time to re-evaluate the kind of load you can handle, and not get drawn into too much work in future -- you need some "you" time in your life, no matter how much you are valuable and effective you are at work. Anyway, it's just good having you back with us.

  8. Glad you are back miss your posts.

  9. So nice to hear from you again. We missed you very much! Marcel

  10. Thank you, everyone, for all your kind comments!

  11. Yes, I/we did miss you!
    I'm glad to know it was just life...
    I'm grateful for what you share and also understand how much energy it takes. Thank you!

  12. Would you like to collaborate & exchange links. My blog: Hot guys pictures.
    Let me know via comments on my blog, since I read those. Or e-mail. ;)

  13. Looking forward to seeing him do more.


Please tell me what you're thinking!