Thursday, December 11, 2014

Country Boys

Famous blogger Dr. Spo has a feature called "Curious Things Around the House."   This post could be called "Things on my Bedside Table, as it looks like right this second.

It is Thursday morning and I'm in bed, enjoying a second cup of tea but I must get out of bed ASAP or I'll be late to school.

Last night, I had another sweet visit from the skinny, 27 year old Aboriginal dude, a Supermodel lookalike. and I'm soooo tired.

From left to right:
  1. DVD remote control
  2. Milk for my tea
  3. Remnants of a bottle of vodka.  Supermodel dude drank about 1/2 of it last night.   :-(
  4. Lube. two part bottles.
  5. Condoms
  6. Small gold ring forgotten by SuperModel lookalike
  7. Tea kettle;  it lights a ghostly blue when it's on!
  8. Can of loose tea: Earl Grey
  9. A cup of proper tea
  10. A candle holder given me when I left my old school, representing the tight bond we had in our department.  I love it!  I always use candles as mood lighting when I entertain a gentleman caller in bed.

Do you remember the handsome, hunky country boy I sucked off in his garage last October?   Well, in an exciting new development, he messaged me this week:  he is no longer living with his fiance and her two children but has just moved into his own apartment.

Country Boy invited me over two nights ago and we had a fantastic time in the comfort of his bed rather than a freezing cold garage.  He was horny as well, insatiable, eager to explore and more handsome than I ever thought possible.

But I think Country Boy deserves a post of his own; details to follow.


  1. Oh wow. Do not lose that country boy! Get him completely out and gay! LOL! Hope you have a great time with him. You are amazing! You got him thinking and moving. You are not just another trick when men meet you, but a man. You are a caring man and they open up. We need more men like you! Thank you, buddy!

    1. Well, I am not the first and certainly not the only man he has ever hooked up with. I have no idea why he is now living in his own apartment; with a skittish closeted guy like him, it is extremely important not to ask personal questions.

      I suspect that his fiancee found about his sexual activities with men other than myself.

      I agree, it is important to me that I give my men the sweetest and most pleasurable experience possible. I treat them all with the utmost respect and consideration.

    2. I do not disagree that he had other men, but maybe something you did or how you said or ... Got him thinking. Most other men just used him like a piece of meat, so he got nothing from them. Now he is looking for a friend

  2. Oddly enough, the only things on my bedside table that are remotely usable are the alarm clocks! The headboard is stacked with books and a lamp, and that's about it!

    Peace <3

    1. My cell phone now serves as my only alarm clock! But with two dogs in my bed, I never need an alarm clock anyway.

    2. I use mine, too. It absolutely takes 3 alarms to wake me up! Plus, having the phone on the bed also means I hear when the boy texts!

    3. I also keep my phone "on" as well; I regularly get texts or message alerts from other apps from horny young men late at night.

  3. I just thought of something I like to add. Suppose you decided not to meet him that night?? He would have still been with the girl. You are an angel!

    1. Oh, Rick! I would not want to jump to that conclusion! I am fairly sure that he had been a busy boy with plenty of other men as well.

  4. Your curious things beat what I have by a country mile. Or kilometer given your Canuck-roots!
    I am all for proper tea, bedside or not. Lovely !

    1. Thanks for commenting! Brewing and drinking a proper cup of tea without ever leaving my bed in the morning has become one of the great pleasures in my life.

  5. Well, aren't you just the well-prepared lover with everything present and within reach at an instant's notice! :-) I think that shows you're a smart, confident and well-prepared man and that you're considerate--you don't want to keep another man waiting. No wonder they flock to you.

    1. Will, you are just extravagant in your compliments to me, aren't you? But not to sound immodest, I try very hard to be all of those things that you describe.

  6. My night stand is boring compared to yours! ;-) I look forward to the country boy post. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I hope you and your family have a great weekend too!


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