Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blog Silent

It's been weeks since I've blogged which I deeply regret. It's a big gap in my personal record of my gay journey. ... so many exciting stories to tell!

The main reason I've gone blog-silent is that I've been computer-less since the lightning strike six weeks ago.

Since helping out with my son's school expenses, I've been struggling (and failing) to make ends meet. But I hope to be able to buy a new laptop in a month or so.

In addition, I've been dealing with still more divorce-related problems with Revenue Canada regarding my 2013 return. A huge stressor!

Blogging using the public library computers was time consuming and a huge hassle. Blogging on my school-issued computer is not possible: it would be grounds for dismissal!

Life at my new school is fantastic! In addition to teaching my sweet students, I've been busy with the GSA and the Outers Club. (We go on hikes and other wilderness adventures)

In the personal front, my parents are healthy; we see each other most days. All my kids are doing extremely well at school and work. I've been so busy that I've scarcely noticed my "Empty Nest" at all.

I've been working tirelessly on my many home renovations and feel much pressure as our winter is fast approaching. So many pre-winter preparations to do!

On the hookup front, I can now host at any time and don't have to explain to anyone my comings and goings. So .... I've been enjoying my slutty freedom with numerous sexy guys of all ages.

Details to follow!


  1. BB!
    So good to hear from you! I figured you were busy, thus my lack of pinging.

    Very happy that work is going well (and yeah, like me, keep the personal elsewhere, not on school technology).

    Good to hear the kids are doing well. Hope your home renovations don't involve holes in the walls like last year (or was it the year before?).

    I hope you can get a new computer. I highly recommend tigerdirect.com or newegg.com. Both offer nice computers (look for a refurb, cheap, same warranty as new) for good prices. Here is a really good deal: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=9150892&Sku=

    Lotsa hookups, eh? I got a boy, too. So happy. Can't wait for Thursday night/Friday!

    Thanks again for checking in. But I have to tell you there is a 17yo out there who is writing his life story on his iPhone. He's posted 97,000 words already. You've got a lot of catching up to do! HAHAHAHAHA

    Peace <3

    1. Congratulations on your boy! Very exciting! I'll check out tigerdirect; thanks! That's okay for a 17 year old to be typing huge volumes on his smartphone, but us old folks prefer a keyboard. lol

  2. Glad to hear you are still around!!!! Sending my best. I didn't know you switched schools - what prompted this?

    1. Thank you, Mike! My transfer was initiated by me: all I had to do was decline my teaching assignment at my old school and request a move to a school of my choice. With my 20 years' seniority, I got first pick!

      My new school is a beautiful, brand new school with state of the art technology, unlike my old 60 year old school with it's crumbling infrastructure, leaking roof etc.

      But more importantly, it is the closest school to my new, post-divorce home while my old school was the farthest away. It's now an extremely short commute! Woo-hoo!

  3. Whew. Glad to know it's just a simple thing like a broken computer and being too busy having a good time. Best of all possible scenarios that I was formulating! Thanks for letting us mother hens know that you are doing all right.


  4. Was the lack of a computer an anxiety or a relief?

    1. Certainly not anxious! At times, it was a bit of a hassle when I needed to do online banking and the like, but my Smartphone did most jobs quite well!

      Dr. Spo, in the name of science, I propose you go computer less for an entire weekend (except for medical reports) and blog about it!

  5. and you KNOW I have missed your voice out here! it just ain't the same. and damn revenue canada to hell!

    1. Thanks, sweetie! As to the tax situation, Revenue Canada is requesting still more court documents proving that I am obliged to pay spousal support.

      By the way, my ex-wife has been 100% supportive in helping me in getting the proof that I need that I have been paying her.

  6. So nice to have you back. I missed your stories and hot pics!! Love to hear that you are doing fine. Marcel

  7. It was so good to find you back with us this morning--I was beginning to worry that something more than the frying of the old computer was going on. For some reason the man in picture #2 is very compelling to me. He doesn't have a muscle builder or porn star body -- he's kind of an average but in-shape guy who's got an interest and intensity about him, a nice bit of fur, a really lovely uncut cock (ALWAYS a big lure for me), in other words an average, desirable guy of a type that one is very likely to encounter out in the world when looking for sex. God bless him and them for for being there. I have always had and continue to have lovely encounters with that kind of man.
    And again, welcome back; you were missed and it's good to hear that things are OK for you.

    1. I meet many guys like him: moderately hairy, fine natural physique, lightly muscled. He is my favourite type of man, I think.

      Thanks, Will, for your good wishes!

  8. Wasn't worried but was beginning to wonder. I sorta had this image in my mind that the day you said goodbye to the last of your kids to leave for school a huge roar emanated from your chest, "LET LOOSE THE KRACKEN!" and simultaneously a chill and thrill ran through Canada! Not sure we can wait another month but maybe by then I'll have gotten back on track myself and caught up on my blog reading.

    1. Sean, you have an over-active imagination! Yes, my frequency of hookups has increased a little bit, but not as much as you might think.

      Some days, I'm just too tired! I've been EXTREMELY busy with my new job (teaching classes which I've never taught before), new school, home renovations, spending time with my parents and looking after my two dogs.

      Thanks for commenting! I'll try not to wait for a month before posting again.

  9. Glad you are back in the blogosphere. If it would help, I would be happy to donate a laptop for your use. Let me know what kind and to which BestBuy I should have it shipped. Our lives have several similarities and I look forward to reading of your travels on the road to self-knowledge.

    1. Wow! What a generous and most unusual offer! Wow! I'd have to think about it, for sure. I would need to learn a little bit about you and what motivated this kind offer. Please e-mail me if you wish:


  10. Thanks for the update... you've been missed my friend!


Please tell me what you're thinking!