Friday, June 27, 2014

World Pride, here I come!

It's been an insanely busy week!  A highlight was my hookup with a hunky, tattooed ginger dude with beautiful, beefy thighs and sweet. voluptuous ass.  He resembles the guys pictured here.

  1. I've been cleaning up my classroom after 15 years but I'm finally done.  Much culling was needed!  I will only return to my school briefly this afternoon for the "saying goodbye to department employees" gathering.
  2. This morning, I will be starting my first day at my new high school:  a beautiful new, state-of-the-art school close to my home.  Woo-hoo!  Very exciting
  3. On the down side, my teaching assignment for next year is relatively crappy:  a full timetable of classes filled with special needs and troubled youth.  I've never taught any of the classes although I am paper-qualified for them. 
  4. But what they hell, I'll deal with it;  my primary goal was to transfer to that school. Those kids need my help more than any other kids in the system.
  5. Two nights ago, I had a sweet hookup with hunky, muscled, scruffy-faced 35 year old ginger dude with the most beautiful, thick cock ever.  He was completely inexperienced and extremely nervous at first but who is shaping up to be a real alpha male.  He was so into everything!  Hungry for man-sex!
  6. When I asked Muscled Ginger Dude:  "Do you like to kiss guys?"  He replied:  "I"d never done it but I'd like to try!"   He was so into kissing: aggressive!  Testosterone oozing from every pore!  I was very proud of him.
  7. After supper today, I'll be flying to Toronto for five days of World Pride.  Woo-hoo!


  1. Good luck with your new position...And there's nothing hotter than kissing.

  2. ummmmmmmmmmm, ginger dudes! have a great time at pride!

  3. Yea for kissing men and being kissed back! That couple gif with the ginger top is hot and close to mesmerizing! Have a great time in Toronto -- please fantasize a very deep kiss with LOTS of tongue from me!

    1. I enjoy reading your escapades. You seem like a gentle and kind soul. I admire smart men and most of the guys I've met are just looks (thank God!) but, with no substance :-) Would love to meet you (not hook up), but it's out of the question since I'm from Orlando, Florida. Just call me Rick, a fan and a friend... Have a safe trip and best regards.

    2. WILL: I will fantasize about a kiss from you!

      And that "couple gif" you mentioned: the ginger top looks EXACTLY like the 35 year-old inexperienced ginger guy who I hooked up with. Beefy, tatted, muscled and a big, pendulous cock. Yum!

    3. Hey Rick from Orlando! Thank you for your kind comments! You sound like a very special man!

      I love meeting men of all types and in all situations, not just as hookup material. I treat all of them with the utmost respect and can always find something special or admirable about every man.

  4. If you'd like an alternative to casually picking up girls and trying to find out the right thing to do...

    If you would prefer to have women chase YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in crowded bars and night clubs...

    Then I encourage you to view this short video to unveil a amazing secret that has the potential to get you your personal harem of beautiful women:



Please tell me what you're thinking!