Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thick cocks in the shower

Shower Daddy, pic 1
Shower Daddy, pic 2
I was going to post about last week's exciting LGBTQ student conference but, blog whore that I am, I decided to go for a title which would maximize my page views.  Anyway, I'm too busy for a thoughtful post and am still extremely exhausted and distracted from last week's work-related drama involving my administrators.

My teachers' union president spoke to them and the situation does seem to be easing somewhat, but I will remain in a constant state of stress until I leave the school forever at the end of next month.  Only 28 more school days left.  Woo-hoo!
I go to the athletic complex daily but lately, I haven't had time to swim every day.  Instead, I've been working very long hours at school, catching up on work and packing up my classroom after 15 years.

Instead of swimming, I relax in the scorching-hot sauna, sit in the whirlpool tub and have a leisurely shower in the open-concept shower room. 

Every day without fail, I'm treated to sights of thick, flopping, uncut cocks on fit dudes, aged 20 - 40+.  It has caused me to seriously reconsider what I consider an average-sized cock ... it must be something in the water.

Yesterday, I enjoyed a long shower beside an early 30s, handsome, scruffy-faced Shower Daddy, 6'-3" who was there with his two year old son.  He looked exactly like the dude pictured at the very top this post and the dude in the gif below, except with an even thicker cock, more tattoos and an even more voluptuous ass.

Shower Daddy was one of the finest physical specimens I'd ever seen.  Sluurp!  I was having palpitations, he was so hot!


  1. Hummmm, no it's not the water, country men must be more hung. I see very few thick hung cocks in the showers here in the big city. I'm moving to where you live! LOL

    1. Maybe I see more big-cocked guys because they're more likely to go fully nekkid in the shower.

  2. Wow, you all have longer left than we do, and I thought we were the last in the world to get out for the summer!

    With all the stress, just be careful of your eating so you don't undo all that quality time in the gym! And yummy on those thick ones!

    Peace <3

    1. Historically, the school year calendar was tied to the agricultural cycles. Schools let out in the springtime so the students could help with planting the fields.

      Our last day at school is actually Jun 27th and that is the case for most Canadian schools. But our school year is generally the same length as yours, so we go back to school later that you do.

  3. Shower daddy #2 is spectacular -- an epic cock cantilevered off a really good body. But something attracts me more to the guy putting on his socks. Over a beautiful thigh there's a lovely uncut, very nicely hooded cock projecting from a luxurious bush. If he showed up for one of our Sweat Lodge gatherings, I'd put the moves on him so fast . . .

    1. I agree. There's something like a super hot, naked guy wearing nothing but socks.....


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