Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My A-list Date

Thanks for all the great dating advice on my last post!  My date night was very pleasant:  it was very good for me to get dressed and to go out rather than spending the evening alone, doing house renovations or cuddling with my little dog.

As to my wardrobe, I wore my newest pair of slim, boot-cut, dark jeans with my favourite biker boots, a black Tee with a dark blue-grey blazer from a thrift shop.  I looked fabulous, if I do say so myself!  I'll post a pic later when I have the time and if I remember.

A -list dude looked great!  Tightish black dress pants, an open-collared dress shirt with a nice black v-necked sweater. I was consumed with the irresistible urge to run my hands up his inner thigh and to cup his bulge the whole time we sat in the theatre.

It was an unusual experience for me:  to sit beside a gay man and NOT end up unzipping his pants and going for the big prize.  I really had to restrain myself.

The date went very well!   My A-list date looked as dapper and handsome as ever and the conversation flowed.  I did offer to pay for my theatre ticket which he firmly declined.

I found the theatrical production a big difficult to follow, story-line wise, but what the heck, any live theatrical production is better than nothing.  The lead actor was a cute, slim, 20-something otter and we were treated to a shirtless scene to boot.  The lead actor had a lovely treasure trail snaking down his pasty-white, winter torso. Bonus!

Afterwards, we went out for coffee to some hipster place filled with much eye-candy.  The place was packed with handsome, hunky young men but unfortunately, most had their skanky, bare-midriffed girlfriends hanging off of them.. The coffee part of our date was very nice as well.  In the end, we parted company and went to our respective homes and I followed up the next day with a 'thank you, I had a great time' text.

At this stage in my gay journey and in my life generally, I am very confident and 'hold my own' in any situation and any conversation;  whether it is with a special needs student, a street person or someone who is wealthy and powerful. 

I never worry about those awkward moments of silence on a date, wondering what the other person might be thinking.  In the end, we all put our pants on one leg at a time.

As to whether or not he is "Mr. Right", at this stage, I would say definitely not.  A-list Dude is very different from me in his interests.  He is not an adventurous sort and hates to travel; even a simple trip to Vancouver for work is a huge ordeal for him.

A-list Dude said that he dislikes discomfort of any kind and only is interested in sleeping in his own bed.  He hates our cold weather and rarely leaves the house all winter long.

But I'd like to see him again, if only as a companion to go the theatre, movies or other local artsy events.  How do I convey that information to him?  I'd like him as a friend to occasionally do "stuff" with but not as a potential LTR?   Tricky!


  1. Simple, when you remove excuses, what do you have? What you want right to the point. That's what! Just say to him what you posted in here. From my experiences, I find if I cut right at the beginning, the pain lessens. I used to drag it on and he would be hoping for months and finally I said no. Boy was he pissed.

  2. Has he indicated in so many words that he's looking for a LTR with you? If so I agree with TJ -- I'd say something like, "I like you too much to string you along. I love going to the theater, museums, concerts with you because you're a great guy. I'm friend but not LTR material and I hope that's something you'll enjoy as well."

    1. I am quite sure that he is actively seeking an LTR with someone. He was with his late partner for over 15 years and has been a widower for 10 but is now ready to move on with his life.

  3. I think Will hit the nail on the head. I'm trying to suss out some thoughts about a friend, and I'll keep these words in mind.

    Peace <3

  4. I agree with all three of them. And keep in mind, It may be that he is not looking for a LTR as well. He may just want a friend type situation.

    1. It would be great to just have a great gay friend; one which will probably last longer than a hookup which might last for a short while.

  5. I have no advice to offer. Dating sounds both thrilling and scary and, for me, only exists in my imagination (I've been in an ltr for over 30 years). But it's interesting to read how others who date describe their experiences, especially people around my age (like you). It sounds to me like you're doing what's comfortable and enjoyable and being honest about it. Can't find any fault with that!

  6. I don't think I've had dates that didn't end in sex. Makes me feel a little trashy haha. Glad you had fun. So he's definitely not the type who can be convinced to try/enjoy new things?

    1. I'm quite sure that he's the ultimate stick-in-the-mud. I formed that impression at our coffee date and it was only reinforced at the theatre. I have had very few sexless dates, either!

  7. Hope that was your date in the last gif. :)

  8. If you'd like an alternative to randomly approaching girls and trying to figure out the right thing to do...

    If you would rather have women pick YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in crowded pubs and restaurants...

    Then I encourage you to view this eye-opening video to uncover a amazing little secret that has the power to get you your personal harem of sexy women:



Please tell me what you're thinking!