Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm leaving.... on a jet plane.

This is a timed post because at this very moment, Saturday morning, I'm in a plane winging my way to a destination some 6,000 miles (10,000 km) from home.  I'm so excited!

On the down side, I will be accompanied by 54 students and six other teacher-chaperones on an 11-day school trip for Spring Break. I will have no opportunity to sample the beautiful local cock.  None!  :-(

I should add, however, that I will be bringing my silicone lube and other sex supplies along .... just in case.  I will be sharing a room with a cute 34 year old teacher colleague. He's a very nice, funny guy who is deeply closeted and in denial about his attraction to men.  He reminds me very much of how I was at that age.

I will try to post some pictures of our adventures on my usual every-second-day schedule, if I can figure out how to do so with my SmartPhone and if there is free wi-fi. I'll do my best!  But my focus will be to enjoy the special moments as they occur in the present time, not blogging.

The first reader who correctly identifies both of the two countries which we will be visiting will win a valuable prize!  The prize will be determined later and will depend upon who wins.  Hints:
  • Throughout history, the men of this country have been regarded as the most beautiful in the world.  All the pics in today's post feature men from the two countries.
  • In a strange dichotomy, the women are regarded as the most homely.  Think hairy women with moustaches.


  1. Greece and Turkey

    Tim from MO

    1. You are the winner, Tim!

      The prize is a picture of me (if you want it) I know that you have my e-mail address, so please feel free to make any special requests. :-)

    2. Wow! That's very cool man.
      Do I want a 'special' pic from you?!
      HELL YES!!
      I'll email you my request...
      Mmmmm! :-)
      Hope you are having a wonderful trip.
      Tim from MO

  2. I can't believe the time has come! Was it really over 6 months ago that you first told me about it? And what great timing but be careful of that almost 100° temperature change and don't put your lube on instead of your sunscreen! Have a great time, take lots os sneaky pics and selfies (what are hotel rooms for?). Since I know I won't guess.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Sean! I''m sharing a room with the cute 34 year old closeted dude.

      I'll have to him to take the nekkid pics of me. ;-)

  3. For about 15 years a couple of decades ago, a colleague and I took high school students on many travel-study tours to Europe in summer. Fantastic experiences--have a great time and ogle some great-looking men for me!

    1. Thanks, Will! Yet another similarity between us!

  4. i think that would be italy and croatia.

    i've enjoyed reading your blog for a while now: you are entertaining, and refreshingly honest and down to earth. i actually shared the link to your blog with a couple of new friends i met recently. one is in his early 50's and is in the process of coming out and divorcing his wife, and the other is a teacher. i'm neither of those things but have always enjoyed your posts. i actually kind of look forward to them every week :)
    have a great trip!!

    daniel (from Vancouver BC)

    1. Best of luck to your friend coming out and with his divorce. Been there and done that. Not fun.

  5. Croatia is an interesting guess! I'd love to go there one day; I hear it's fabulous!

    Thanks for your kind comments about my blog. I'm glad it helps your friends to read it!

    1. Dubrovnik is fabulous. Home of the world's oldest continuous pharmacy. The older walled city is so cool to walk around. Narrow streets and the streets are cleaned every morning. You can really see a lot from waling around the top of the wall.

  6. It'll be great, sex or no!!!
    Get the blogger app for your phone, it makes it easy to post from it.
    I knew where you were headed, glad someone guessed earlier!

    Peace <3

  7. may it be a good journey for you regardless of the destination.

    1. Thank you, Dr. Spo. Every part of it was an adventure!


Please tell me what you're thinking!