Thursday, February 27, 2014

Naked Men in the Snow

We've received more snow this month that in any February in our recorded weather history!  And we're entering another cold snap... -30 F tonight.   But spring will be just around the corner, surely!

To celebrate, here are some pictures of some lovely, naked men in the snow.  What I like the best about men:  so many of them never seem to grow up!   Always ready for some goofy fun!

I plan to take some selfie-naked-in-the-snow pics but only when the weather warms up considerably!

Some random thoughts:
1.      My school's Gay-Straight Alliance students and I have been asked to plan a first-ever, city-wide LGBTQ Youth Art Project on the theme of "Diversity."   The submissions are to be displayed during our Pride picnic in June.

Well, I presented our ideas to the Pride planning committee and they loved it!  Raves! They're very excited to have a high school teacher on the planning team because it gives them a contact in the schools;  ours is very much a youth-oriented event.

2.  One slight disappointment about my Pride committee is that it's made up of about 90% women, some lesbian and some "friends and family of".  At last night's meeting, only one other man showed up;   a cute, blue-eyed, chubby late 20s guy who offered to bring me a coffee. Very sweet!

I think it's women who are the organizers, the nurturers, the ones pushing for social change.  In my town at least, the gay men will only show up if: (1) it's a party where beer is served and (2) there's a chance of getting laid.

3.    Both my son and oldest daughter are living with me again after a month of being mainly alone; my daughter just for a week but my son seems to be here for a longer-term stay.  I wish I knew what was going on with my ex!

 I suspect they're fed up with her bossy, annoying ways but we have a pact of silence about her:  I don't ask and they don't tell.

All children of divorce HATE it when one parent pumps them for information about the other and I'm determined not to do it.

4.    Despite the cold weather, I am still getting a steady stream of offers, mainly from guys in the 30 - 45 age range and I accept as many as I feel like.  Some of the men are new but most of the offers are repeat business, past satisfied customers!  In fact, one mid-40s leather dude told me that his friend (who I hooked up with a few times) recommended that he contact me:  "He said you're just a great guy!"   lol

I always treat my men with the utmost of respect and try to make our encounter as pleasurable and memorable as possible.  This strategy seems to be working!



  1. I got as far as #1...Here's my take. Plan, plan, plan.
    Last summer, ROSMY decided to paint a mural on the building. We got Art 180 to help, with acclaimed muralists to help plan the mural. They spent 7 days planning, then painted it. The planning was key. What do want this to represent? Who do you want this to represent? There were more questions. The youth answered and a masterpiece was born! Here is the result: The ROSMY MURAL post.

    It's so cool. EVERYONE comments on it.

    As to are 100% correct. Don't ask, don't give in to pumping. Obviously, your very mature, very aware children are figuring things out. It's normal for them to try to "find out more". You are very smart not to feed the embers that are burning within them. You've been a great father, and so shall you remain.

    I've never commented on this before...but #4...OMG, to me, you sound like a sex worker..."repeat business"..."past satisfied customers"...I absolutely accept that you are enjoying your sexual freedom, but jeez. Really? Please. It's not like you!!!! "Utmost of respect" pales in respect to these sentences! And since I'm drunk, it probably goes without saying that I am totally off base here - and for sure, I'm not on a(n) Army base!

    And the guy on the bottom left? WOOF!

    Peace <3

    (please shoot me later!)

    1. Thanks, Jay, for the excellent advice on the art project.

      But as to your comment about "repeat business", yes you are way
      off base. Would you prefer that I
      behave like a selfish a-hole so that no man would want to sleep with me a
      second time?

      I take great pride in my developing skills in giving pleasure to men. And I find it flattering that so many want to be with me again.

    2. As I re-read this, I realize that semantics come into play.

      No, I would not want you to behave as a selfish a$$hole. But to refer to your gentlemen callers as "repeat business" and "...customers"...implies to me, a rather less lovely picture. Perhaps if you said "men who I'd been with" would show a little less...callousness? business?

      Yeah, all semantics. You know how I feel about you! You're awesome. And we do communicate! So I thought maybe pointing out this would be helpful. It wasn't judgement. Sorry if I want not totally clear.

      Peace <3

    3. Jay, don't attach too much significance to the words "satisfied customers" or repeat business. I don't regard it as a business .... just having fun.

      You're starting to annoy me.

  2. A referral? That must make you feel good! Good for you!
    I saw the weather report and cold all over Canada! I am glad I am south in Florida!
    As for more lesbians than gay men, that is a big mystery. I have seen this almost all my life. So why are lesbians so keen to help out or run the show and gay men lazy?
    When I was volunteering and working at AIDS Calgary years ago, there were so many lesbians volunteering there. Yes there were gay men but not involved in meetings. Oh well, such as life, eh? At least they were willing to help! Otherwise we would have not survived!

    1. I'm glad to hear that ir's not just in my town that the gay men aren't involved.

      It's probably worth further investigation!

      I hope you are enjoying Florida!

  3. The men in your pictures were hot, but otherwise the pictures were much too cold! I am shivering just thinking about those situations. I don't know you Canadians deal with the cold weather, and please don't send us any more vortices! Even NC has been impacted by the arctic vortex.

    1. Canadians SHOULD be better able top cope with winter, and most do. But in this modern age, more and more of us seem to getting pretty wimpy about what is normal winter weather.

  4. Mr #1 really catches my imagination with his fat cockhead enhanced by the big hood keeping it warm, but the sight of his feet in that icy water gives ME shrinkage!

    I remember stories of the organizational meetings in NYC to kick off the gay liberation movement in the wake of Stonewall. They were completely male; no lesbians and not even any of the drag queens who had given the police the thrashing of their lives and who were the true heroines of the uprising. Women were not allowed at the table, so your encounter the other night is really interesting in its demonstration of how things have changed. Many years ago my Fritz was deeply involved with setting up New Hampshire Pride (which has atrophied in the last decade, unfortunately) and the Board that did the planning, publicity, etc. was nicely varied. Nice to hear that they liked your input -- but I'm not surprised at all!

  5. Your analysis of female organizer is right on target. A number of years ago I was active in a lot gay organizations pushing for social change. The women, mostly lesbians, were always on time, organized, and met their commitments regarding action items. The women were the glue that held the group together. A lot of the success of these organization can be directly attributed to the women.

    1. Hi Will and rjjs8878: thanks your sharing your experience iof the involvement of gays and lesbians in LGBTQ advocacy work. I know the lesbians find it frustrating that the gay men are not involved in planning. A great many gay men do not even bother to attend our local pride events.

  6. I hope living with your children is nevertheless something enjoyable.

    1. I cherish the time I spend with my children. ... even more so now that they're not here ALL the time.

  7. Being naked in the snow after a sauna work for me for a while.....But being a nudist male nudist is my cup of tea...


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