Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TMI: Happy Thanksgiving

Too Much Information is a weekly feature by Sean of Just a Jeep Guy which I enjoy doing. 

 1.  Do you travel or stay local?  Family or friends?  Host or guest?  Thanksgiving has always involved a family dinner at my parents’ house, cooked by my sweet mother.  We never travel at this time of year.  For last month's Canadian Thanksgiving, my kids and I cooked Thanksgiving dinner and my parents came to my house because of my mother’s knee surgery …. a nice change!

But I quite like the “Orphan’s Thanksgiving” hosted by Sean of Idle Eyes and a Dormy.”  When my kids have all left the nest, I’d love to host such a dinner myself.

2.  Parade:  Love it?  Leave it?  Never let it go?   I’ve never watched the big televised American Thanksgiving Parades.  But I always enjoyed our small-town Christmas parade, especially during my kids’ growing-up years.

It is fun looking for friends and colleagues riding the floats which are all decorated by the individuals involved.
One year, my brother (a fireman) got to drive the firetruck in the parade.  Such small town excitement!

3.   Favourite Food?   Listed in order of my favourites (but NOT necessarily the order in which I eat them):   turkey stuffing,  gravy, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, mashed potatoes with butter and gravy, and roasted root vegetables.

4.        Favourite holiday movie or do you watch football?    I’ve never watched a Thanksgiving movie but I do enjoy “It’s a Wonderful Life” and the modern version of “Miracle on 34th  Street" with hottie Dylan McDermott.

I’ve never watched a football game on TV in my life;  I have zero interest in it.  But now that I’m a horny gay guy, I certainly would enjoy the views of all the hunky football players bending over, especially if they’re wearing white football pants which show off their bulges and jockstrap lines so beautifully.

5.        If you do holiday decorations, for which holiday and when?  I have several trees growing in my yard loaded with Christmas lights.  Since there are no city lights or street lighting, they look spectacular in the inky blackness!

I have the lights on a timer which I keep operational for our dark winter nights …. from early November to late February.

Early in December, I put up a real Christmas tree indoors which is loaded with an eclectic mix of ornaments;  a few purchased and many home-made by the kids when they were young. 

I also like to hang a large quantity of candies and cookies on the tree which we all eat as the season progresses.

6.    Black Friday.  Thoughts?  Feelings?    Insanity!  I rarely go shopping at conventional stores anyway* and it would be unthinkable for me to shop with all those frenzied crowds.   *  I prefer wearing hand-me-downs, thrift shop treasures and items stolen from lost-and-found boxes. lol.

8.        BONUS:   What are you thankful for?
A:      I am thankful for my children who have turned out to be thoughtful, compassionate, intelligent, self-sufficient and responsible young adults.  And I’m deeply grateful for their support.  When I came out to them, it was a non-event;  business as usual in their quiet manner.  But I never truly had any doubts about that!

B:   I am thankful to be a part of the world’s LGBTQ community.  I enjoy the empathy, instinctual understanding, support and cameraderie of being in a such a fabulous minority group.  I’ve reached a point in my gay journey that I now sometimes feel sorry for straight guys.

C:   Cocks:  whether small or big, pendulous, fleshy,  fat or skinny and preferably with an ample foreskin and rock hard, sucking cock (or daydreaming about sucking cock) is one of the greatest joys in my life. 


  1. oh my, look at all the tasty treats in this posting! mos def BETTER than turkey!

    1. You have a keen eye for some hunky man-flesh, don't you anne marie?

  2. I am thankful having you as a blogger buddy.

    1. That's sweet of you to say so! It's one of my deep regrets that I don't live closer to you and Someone... I'm sure we'd be real-life friends as well.


    1. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I hope it's warmer in Texas than it is here in the Great White North!


  5. Love your answers...

    Happy Thanksgiving from this side of the parallel!

    Peace <3

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