Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Most Beautiful Cock in the World

This is an actual pic of the cock in question. 
If anything, it is thicker in real life.
The pic at left shows the actual cock which I had in my mouth, stroked with silicone lube and pumped between my feet.  The pic is from his profile on

Around eighteen months ago, I was messaged on by a mid-40s Italian dude who said that he was skilled top with a massive endowment. 

Since then, a couple of gay friends did confirm that his cock really was that magnificent.  They also said that he was rather selfish as a hookup partner.   

At that time, I chose not to hookup with him because I was an extremely timid, tight-assed bottom but hoped to meet up with him in the future.  And then, POF deleted all "sleazy" profiles like ours and I lost all means of contacting him.  Damn!!

The day before I left for the DC Bloggerpalooza, I was shopping when I received a chat request on from the massive endowment guy.  He remembered me from our previous POF conversations although we had never met.  

ItalianCock:  Beautiful feet!
Buddy Bear:  Thanks, I prefer my legs, actually.
ItalianCock:  What size?
Buddy Bear:  10.5, EE width.  I take size 11 in boots.
ItalianCock:  I'm hard already.  Can you come over and help me get off?
BuddyBear:  As long as I get to play with your cock, take it in my mouth. 
ItalianCock:  Can you meet me in the  ______ store parking lot?, NE corner
Buddy Bear:  See you in 10 min.  I'm driving a bright red Ford pickup.

He was already waiting for me on a bicycle when I arrived.  Slim, fit, very Italian, handsome, and younger-looking than his profile claimed. We chatted for all of 15 seconds, with  him staring at my feet and me staring at his beautiful flopping cock, freeballing in flannel shorts.   We instantly decided: "Let's do it." and he gave me his address.

It was a nice house in an upscale neighbourhood with concrete driveway, wrought-iron railings and gaudy bric-a-brac everywhere and a décor that screamed "Italian mama".  This was clearly the former family home but I had the impression that his parents no longer lived there.  He was obviously very intelligent, a successful businessman of some sort and keenly observant.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes:  "Tell me. What were you doing in the grocery store wearing your shirt inside-out?"   (this is a fairly common occurrence for me, even in class)  I laughed:  "You sound like my mother!"

I hopped onto his bed and his magnificent cock instantly became rock-hard through his boxers as he sniffed and licked my feet. 

He pulled on some black dress socks onto my feet, with my permission, caressing them tenderly all the while.  It was so hot, watching his facial expression as he worshipped my feet, getting off on them. Who knew?

He pulled off my clothes and we got into a sort of 69 position, with my feet jammed into his face.  I played with his cock and took it in my mouth .... hard as steel with a generous amount of loose skin which slipped back and forth.   The fattest cock I'd ever seen!  Fantastic!

We engaged in a verbal sparring match as we negotiated what was to happen next.   He wanted to top me.  I said: "Forget it;  I'm not taking that fat cock up my ass.  I'm not ready for it." 

I wanted to kiss him.  ItalianCock: "I don't kiss guys."
He wanted my cock up his ass.  I declined:  "Maybe next time." 

I hadn't planned on any of this... I was in the grocery store ten minutes ago, for Pete's sake.  I'm not a very confident top and I really wasn't sure whether or not I trusted this intense dude.  Anyway, this visit was supposed to be all about getting him off, although he did take my cock in his mouth briefly.

In the end, we arranged ourselves in an extremely awkward position:  me on my back at the end of the bed with him in between my thighs, pressing his balls into mine.  One of my feet was pressed into his face;  he inhaled deeply as he jerked off, squirting hot cum all over my hairy chest.  So hot!

He got a warm, wet washcloth and thoughtfully wiped down my torso and I prepared to leave.  Curiously, he asked me numerous questions as I got dressed but didn't reveal anything about himself.

How long were you married?
How long have you been divorced?
How does your family feel about your coming-out?
Do you see your kids?    ( yes, they mainly live with me) 

ps:  Since then, ItalianCock has initiated chats on numerous times since this encounter and we hooked up again .... I just can't resist the opportunity to handle that beautiful cock!  It went much the same as before, except that I caressed his cock and balls with my foot (as pictured above) and he thrust his cock between my feet which I held together firmly (as pictured below.)  Again, hot!

But before I go again, if I go again, we'll have to negotiate a hookup which is less one-sided.  But I don't think I'll ever be ready to take that cock up my ass, but he still wants me to fuck him. We'll see.


  1. sweet mother of pearl! what a huge hunka manflesh! mos def more than I could handle! ;-)

  2. The most unexpected things get guys off! Have fun with this guy, he sounds OK and you obviously have hot feet! :-)

  3. I recall you telling me about this guy in Toronto. Sounds even better with more detail. As fetishes go, this guy's sounds pretty safe. Have fun!

  4. Thanks for replying, everyone!

    Yes, he's very different when compared to my other hookup guys; extremely intelligent and inclined towards verbal jousting / negotiation. I'm pretty sure I'll see him him again.

  5. co9ol\\\\\\\////////

  6. ;0........ my mouth would love that beauty shooting into it! one sided or not ;) your lucky to have taht cock and if he's as cute and great bodied -try to take him up your hole?

  7. The cock is magnificent and uncut! Ho sexual! But you are a beginner at being a bottom, there are lots of things you don't kow bout that, I could be a good techer and you willl enjoy sx as never before!


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