Friday, August 23, 2013


My juicy ass, taken this morning.
These days, I`m feeling less inclined to hook up with just any random guy.  Despite my hookup behaviour over the past two years, I`m really not cut out for it, I think. One factor is that I`m still feeling blah! after my trip to Washington DC and have a growing sense of dread at the start of school in a couple of weeks. 

At the moment, I just avoid logging on to because it`s a hassle always having to politely turn down guys who message me for hookups.  Eventually, I`m sure, my craving for cock will win over and I`ll accept one of the offers coming my way.

As well, the cold fall weather is now upon us and there is much I need to do before winter sets in.   The biggest job to finish is the gutting and renovation of my living room which I started last April and have made no progress on at all.  None! 

But the room is completely stripped of insulation and is, in fact, partly open to the great outdoors.  So I must finish it before the winter or it will -20 degrees inside the house as well as out.   My son`s dislocated shoulder is healing well but he will not be able to help me for at least another 2 - 3 months.  Too late!  

Recently, a gay friend (who knows about such things) described my ass as "juicy."   I hadn't heard the term before but didn't reveal my ignorance at the time.   Later, I  looked up the term on which listed a variety of definitions which seemed to apply.  
* A word used to describe something extremely good. commonly a reference to ass or titties.
* Thick and curvaceous
* A person or thing with a big booty.  Example:  "That annoying boy is one juicy."

I love every part of a man`s body so it would be hard to narrow down my favourite part.  But lately, I`ve been thinking that a man with a voluptuous ass is my favourite thing to look at.  


  1. Yeah, you better get that house sewn up! I like it cool inside (or even nearly cold, 68F is plenty at night for sleeping), but -20 sucks (and I've camped and backpacked in it, so I know how fricking cold that is!!!

    Peace <3

    1. Yes, not to mention the heating bills! Yes, I'll get it done for sure... it's only one room after all.

  2. "a man with a voluptuous ass is my favourite thing to look at" - You and I both! I actually can't help it.

  3. I think "juicy" works very well in your case. Men have such great body parts, don't they!

  4. Hmmmmm ... missed opportunity. :-)

  5. Hey Buddy Bear
    That ass of yours looks so damn hot and real juicy. I couldn't resist!
    Thanks for all your wonderful stories and thoughts. You are one fine adorable man!

  6. I'm an ass man, myself :)


Please tell me what you're thinking!