Thursday, January 24, 2013

Long Johns

This post will be a collection of the most random of topics such as:

1.  The Weather:   Two nights ago, the temperatures here hit a low of -37 C  (-35 F).   At my house, this was combined with a howling wind off the water which made it feel like a million degrees below zero.   I love winter but at those temperatures, it is painful to go outdoors unless every bit of skin is covered up.  I'm now discovering first hand how badly insulated my new house really is.

On the plus side, it warmed up to -27 C  during the day which now seems positively balmy.

2.   Dating:    I can describe my first full week of dating as "intense" and I've been feeling rather off-balance.  But I really won't be blogging about it other than to say some aspects of it resemble "Buddy Bear:  the Extreme Make-over Edition."

3.  "What celebrity do you look like?"  On my previous post when answering this question, I told the story of a street person who said I looked like Brad Pitt.   Just to clarify:  bloggers who have met me in person like Cubby and Jeffrey will confirm that I do NOT look like Brad.

In fact, I heard from students for years at I looked like that doctor guy on the TV show "House"....  except I'm more grizzled and worn-out looking.   Several years ago, in fact, about six of my students came to class on Halloween all dressed as Dr. House in my honour.  The joke was somewhat lost on me as I don't have a TV in my house.  They had to explain who they were meant to represent.

4.  Affair with a married man:  It's been one year since I met "Special Guy", the married guy with whom I had a relationship or an "affair", whatever you want to call it, which fizzled out after four months.  It's a complicated, fucked-up story which should serve as a cautionary tale for any gay guy, especially an inexperienced gay guy like I was then.  I will blog about it soon.


  1. Great post today! Sorry about the extreme cold. Granted it is nothing like what you have had, it has been colder than normal here. Which is good for me. Going skiing over the weekend. I remember your posts about special guy. Having been in his position, I do feel for him. I hope someday he can come to grips with things. I know it won't be easy for him, but in the long run, he will be happier.

    1. Now we're getting a nice snowfall; when it snows, it gets considerably warmer.

      I'm not feeling particular sympathetic to my former Special Guy; I did hear that his wife found out about his extracurricular activities with men but the still seem to be together. It must be a difficiult time for him....

  2. I see buddybear's next DIY project: adding insulation!

    now, about all those nice men in their "long" johns...

  3. I kind of like that you won't post about your "dating".

    Makes me hope for you that's something very special.

  4. Sorry Buddy, I don't think you look like either Brad Pitt or Dr. House. In fact, I can't really say who you look like because when we were walking around together at Niagara Falls and you said the word 'about', all the blood rushed out of my head and into my peen and I lost my ability to recognize facial similarities. Perhaps next time we meet I will put a ball-gag in your mouth so I can keep my wits about me. Agree?

    1. LOL. Agreed! I just hope that the U.S. Border Protection Service lets me across the border with my suitcase full of toys; ball-gags, whips, harnesses etc.

  5. LOL. As to coming to live here, I don't need a pool boy but I could use a handsome, shirtless young man to do chores around the house... chopping wood etc. Interested?

  6. It must be very difficult for him. You know firsthand what it is like in that kind of situation.

    1. Yes, I imagine that it is EXTREMELY difficult for both him and his wife. I understand his married daughters (the mothers of his grandchildren) also know about their father screwing around. I'll blog about the whole "Special Guy" experience soon, if nothing else as a cautionary tale for other newly-out gay guys like me.

      But I never did cheat on my wife or have sex with men until a year AFTER we separated, so my situation is not really all that similar to his.

  7. I would say that Hugh "House" Laurie is about the last person I would compare to you for looks! We go below zero here but nothing like what you're experiencing. Can you insulate the house retroactively?

  8. At least you look like some celebrity...I've been told I also look like a movie star: LASSIE!


  9. Like the first Picture and also some others. Nice Guy in Long Johns. I wear also Long Johns here in Germany. The Doppelripp.



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