Saturday, January 19, 2013

Filed for Divorce

It's another Dogably Pawfect Saturday by Sean of Just a Jeep Guy.  

The forecast is calling for another full week of overnight temperatures in the -25 to -32 C range  (-13 to -26 F) .....  darn cold!!   But today's high is expected to reach a balmy -10 C (14 F) with brilliant sunshine, so it is all good.

I haven't yet hauled my sorry arse out of bed, but am still cuddling here with my little dog and wishing I was with a man. I'm pretty tired because I achieved two fairly big milestones on my journey in one day, with a demanding day at work in between.

A.  I had an early-morning lawyer's meeting to file solely for an uncontested divorce and to pay their $850 fee.   This application (sometimes called a petition) was registered at the local provincial courthouse later that day.

Next steps:  the local court will seek clearance from the Central Divorce Registry in Ottawa to proceed.  The registry will confirm that we are actually married, that we are who we say we are and that we are not subject to divorce actions in other jurisdictons. 

In a month or so, my wife will be "served" with the divorce papers.  The expectation is that she will:  (1) sign them and (2) pay her $850 share of the legal fees.  My friends and family fully expect her to continue to 'do battle' and throw up some more roadblocks at this stage. 

My wife will be called into the lawyer's office to be served the papers face-to-face by our lawyer.  I doubt that she would have the courage to refuse to do either of those things without legal grounds, but it will be a tense month of waiting for me.

If all goes well with the signing, then my divorce petition will go back before the judge and should be final in about three months from now....  fingers crossed!!

B.   My first serious gay date (mentioned in my last post) happened after work the same day.   It went extremely well and we've been in contact several times since then, mainly by phone.  If I had a top 10 list of qualities I'd like to see in a future husband, he had every one of them.  I'm very certain that this feeling was mutual. 

But I won't be blogging about him or anything special which might possibly develop between us.  I just can't.  Sorry! 


  1. Good luck to you. Some people have a difficult time with change and reality, so I hope you have lots of patience with your ex. Just realize she is having to adjust to a life minus someone as high quality as you. And a new boyfriend! How exciting. Just remember, there are lots of fish in the sea. I love that you cherish your dog. Mine are such a comfort (and so much work), but they keep me grounded. - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

    1. Thank you for commenting and for your good advice. I would NOT say at this point that I have a boyfriend but would describe it as "dating."

  2. You certainly don't need to apologize for anything. You've been uncommonly candid about your life and have every right to maintain some privacy about things that aren't ready for revelation, if they will ever be. The fact that something fine might be developing for you is all the better! Big hug and best wishes.

  3. Awesome news. I'm very happy for you, on both counts.

  4. YAYZ for you! and there is NO need to apologise for keeping one's personal life to oneself. it's special and PRIVATE, just for you.

    is that prince harry with a puppy (bottom left pix)?

    1. Thank you anne marie! Yes, I`m not blogging about it out of respect the privacy of my new friend. Besides, a developing relationship should be between the two people, not the two people and hundreds of others in cyberspace.

      And yes, it is Prince Harry! I wouldn't have thought it was possible for him to look cuter than he already does but the prince + puppy combo is irresistible!

    2. Probably because, for all the serious soldiering, the naked romps in Vegas, and the growing skill as a public figure, he's still essentially a puppy himself. The man is irresistible.

  5. Will, Victor and TwoLives: thank you for your good wishes!

  6. Aww, cuddling with the doggie! My lab used to get up in the middle of the night and move from the foot of the bed to the pillows up top. Unfortunately, my head was in the way. I used to grumble and move down but now I just use him as an extra lumpy pillow and we're both cool with it. Especially on cold nights.

    Good luck with mr. Date! And totally agreed that you should not feel the need to apologize for wanting to keep some things private!

    1. Thanks for commenting, sexy guy! Yes, I love cuddling with something that is warm and furry. If some of my kids are out for the night (at a sleep-over for example), I might end up sleeping with as many as three little doggies. Sweet!

  7. I agree, no need to share. I'm glad you have someone in your life. Even if only dating. Please don't shut out the idea it could be more. If it is more that really won't be a bad thing will it? Well other than we won't be reading anymore great stories. LOL I have a special man in my life now and it is wonderful. I also have a special woman in my life. Both get along with each other. Yes it is a bit weird, but the three of us like it.

  8. I just gotta ask...what happened to the "Dating" post?

    Peace <3

    1. I accidentally clicked "publish" before it was finished. :-)


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