Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rowers' cocks and balls in spandex

I'm feeling highly unsettled this week:
  • I don't know when my prostate appointment will be despite the nagging phone call I made to the doctor's office. 
  • My wife hasn't yet given me her final verdict on our draft Separation Agreement after 2.5 months despite much prodding from me.   Given her history of reneging on past agreements, I won't be able to relax until our divorce is final.
  • The conflict between my son and wife continues to worsen and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
  • My wife and I had an argument about a conflict she's having with our daughter.  I refused to referee and force our daughter to toe the line.  They're both adults and anyway, my wife was being unreasonable. Quel surprise.
  • I still need to talk to my son about my hopes of "coming out" at our high school this year. 
  • I am DREADING the start of my school year in less than two weeks.
  • After months of silence, my Special Guy initiated a POF chat several times this month.   These haven't ended well but I'm not yet ready to blog about him.
  • I'm scrambling to pay my share of my daughters' university tuition.  Cash flow problem!
To cheer myself up, how about some pictures of some amazing rowers' bulges from gear-bulges.blogspot? .... cocks and balls straining the spandex to its limit.  Gentlemen, which rower is your favourite?

Raybeard's comment on my Olympic rowers' spandex bulges post "......AND HE'S WAY OUT IN FRONT!" is particularly true of Henrik Rummel's podium erection (first picture, second bulge from the left) which went viral.   Rummel says he didn't have an erection, but I don't believe him! explains that  the one-piece body suits worn by rowers are specifically designed to hold a rower's balls up front.  Otherwise, they'd be squished by the rower's beefy thighs and pumping action of the seats which slide back and forth on a track.

So, yes, rowers' spandex suits do display the goods better than other athletic gear,   They "lift and separate" the boys in the same way that a push-up bra does for a woman's girls.


  1. poor buddybear! {{{{{hugs}}}}}

    OTOH, yeah, that's an erection all right; I know one when I see one! and he's the best cock-n-ball picture you posted! yum!

  2. Just finished reading through some of your most recent posts. Sorry to hear about the domestic issues / strains both financial and with regards to the wife and children.

    Rest up and enjoy your final few days / weeks (not sure when you go back to school) and good luck to you. Many of my closest friends work in the public schools and I know September can be an exhausting month.


  3. "So, yes, rowers' spandex suits do display the goods better than other athletic gear"

    Makes me wonder if spandex rowers' (and werstlers', etc.) suits are designed by gay men. You know, as part of promoting the homosexual agenda!

    Don't know how you manage to juggle everything. I've been through it but in the superliberal Boston, MA area being out at work in education wasn't a problem and could be an advantage as schools were rushing to diversify their faculties as well as student bodies. You're a strong guy, just take a deep breath and I know you'll find your way through to better days.

  4. anne marie: Thanks for your support, sweetie!

    BosGuy: thank you for commenting! Yes, for us teachers, the first month of classes seems to last an eternity!

    Will: yes, I've wondered that as well! Especially when you see athletic singlets with patterns or stripes which curve around the inner thighs, ass or bulge.... How would a truly straight man design a garment which accentuates a man's curves so delightfully.

    I have NO concerns about being out in my school, per se. My school division is the top one or two in Canada with regard to pro-LGBTQ initiatives. My administrators and work colleagues have been told that I'm gay and everyone is happy for me and highly supportive. My only concern (which may not be warranted) is for when my son's friends and fellow students find out.

    1. Buddy, I have been thinking about that. If your school is that cool with things, it doesn't seem likely that his friends will have a problem with it. My guess is that over the last 18 months, more of them know than you would guess. Maybe ask him if he has told people. He is clearly in your corner. My other guess is that he wants you to be happy and will be eager to put your mind at rest. IF not, then you will know your answer and not be left wondering what will happen when it does come out. Which of course it will. You have been caught twice now haven't you? Remember, it isn't like you have done anything wrong. I also bet when it comes out, you will have sympathy as well. I know I did. That alone has made this so much easier for me to be openly gay in more and more settings.

    2. Hey Skier! Thanks for your thoughtful and valuable comment, clearly based on your experience. You're right, I have no idea whether or not my daughters have told their friends about me (I suspect they have) or my son has told his friends. (I suspect he hasn't)

      I'm not the slightest bit concerned about my students finding out I'm gay... it will be a non-issue for them after a brief flurry of excitement.

      I'm actually more concerned about my wife's reaction if / when she hears that I'm fully out at school. If I know her, it might trigger a new round of erratic behaviour.

      To be honest, I'm also concerned about my students, the school community and in particular, my wife, hearing about all the guys I've been hooking up with this summer, especially the 20 - 24 year old ones. In addition to the hookups, I've been seen by people I know out with gay guys at in public parks, coffee shops, restaurants and at a theatrical performance. So, the story will come out sooner rather than later, I think.


Please tell me what you're thinking!