Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Moving out / moving in

We've had an insanely busy last several days but the house is now in possession of the new owners.   I was enormously proud of the kids as they worked tirelessly and without complaint with the packing, moving, cleaning and fix-up jobs.   My parents helped as best they could despite hip and back problems, artificial knees and the like.

At closing yesterday (with the new owners already moving their stuff in!), we toured the empty, gleaming house where I'd lived for over 22 years, taking pictures and recalling fond memories.   Very emotional!  I cried (in private) several times over the past several days;  I really am moving on to my new life.

Now, I have boxes piled to the ceiling and several trailers in the drive waiting to be unpacked, but I'm home.   I couldn't sleep and have been up since 3:30 am, contemplating my new life and planning house improvements.  A mix of emotions, that's for sure!

If I wasn't so broke, I'd have hired a bunch of guys like these hotties from http://scruffy-guys.tumblr.com to help me move.


  1. I think I can speak for all your readers when I say congrats and you earned it. Yes you are moving on. Thanks to you, so am I. I can't help but wonder how many guys besides me that you have helped! Just to know this journey can have a happy ending for one of us makes us all more hopeful I think. I still hope to meet you in person and thank you with a great big hug! And I have to say, I am glad my soon to be ex will be remaining in the house. At least it gives me a feeling of peace knowing some things have stayed the same. It was nice waking up to this good news of yours.

  2. Congratulations!

  3. Have fun with your new life man!

  4. Thank you everyone! One final hurdle happening tomorrow. My wife and I have to sign the documents giving me sole ownership of my new home. Always a bit of tension but I'm reasonably sure it will go my way.

  5. anne marie in phillyMay 1, 2012 at 8:45 PM

    and if you DID hire some of the guys pictured, rest assured no work would get done! :)

    congrats, dear buddybear!

  6. Metaphorically - movin' on is a sign of your new journey/challenge. It's bittersweet - full of excitement and somehow sadness of what you have left behind!

  7. Ah, milestones. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your new house. Will you be able to post (discreet) photos? The setting sounds gorgeous.

  8. yes, congrats on moving forward and enjoy being who you are. take a deep breath and take your time. don't rush the life out of yourself. cheers!

  9. Good luck with the move and this new phase in your life.

  10. Good luck with the move... Nice choice in photos. Guys in Red Sox ball caps are a major turn on for me.

  11. Well.... I'm dying to know.... Any drama with today's document signing?

  12. A new step is taken, look to the future and all will turn out well.

  13. Congrats and good luck. But luck has followed you quite consistantly for the past year in spite of all the ups and downs! So I'm not worried. You'll get through all this with... how do you say... flying colours?


  14. Thanks again, everyone for your kind words! Jon, I do try to remain positive even through difficult moments and take the high road at all times. I know my children appreciate it and everyone around me comments on how much happier I am.


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