Sunday, May 22, 2011

Proust Questionnaire
The Proust Questionnaire became popular when French writer Marcel Proust took it in 1890.  It is designed to reveal the 'real you.'  This version appears at the back of Vanity Fair Magazine where celebrities provide their publicist-approved answers.
  1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
  2. Being in perfect health and hanging out in my own home, surrounded by my children and dogs.  Second choice:  skiing anywhere in the Rockies, the Swiss Alps, the Andes,  New Zealand....
  3. What is your greatest fear?
  4. Dying a gay virgin  (but I've already decided I'm not going to let that happen.)  Second choice:  having someone in my family (children or parents) die of a lingering, painful illness such as cancer. 
  5. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
  6. Procrastination.
  7. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
  8. People who are blindly accepting and judgemental, like those fundamentalist religious types.
  9. What is you greatest extravagance?
  10. Not a thing.  I'm pretty frugal!  (That's boring, I know)
  11. On what occasion do you lie?
  12. To avoid hurting someone's feelings over something that really doesn't matter or that they can't change. 
  13. What do you most dislike about your appearance?
  14. My ever-thickening waistline.
  15. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  16. I would make myself about 20 years younger but only if I could keep all the self-confidence and life experience I have right now. One reason to do this would be to once again live without all the aches and pains of middle age such as those caused by my arthritis.
  17. If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be? 
  18. I would very much like to marry a husband who was sweet, sexy, adventurous, kind and who loved me unconditionally.  About my children:  I wouldn't change anything!   About my estranged wife: I would like her to be truly happy.
  19. What do you consider you greatest achievement?
  20. Raising my children mainly by myself under (sometimes) difficult circumstances and having them become fine, responsible citizens. Nothing else I do could be more important.
  21. If you died and came back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
  22. A bicycle seat.  Second choice: a wrestling singlet.   See pics above and below.
  23. What is you most treasured possession?
  24. I don't have any "things" or "stuff" which I am emotionally attached to.  Owning property, my own home, is extremely important to me, however.   I would say my children but they are not my 'possessions';  rather, they are independent people. 
  25. What do you regard as the lowest depths of misery?
  26. To have no one who loves you or cares whether or not you live or die.
  27. Who are your heroes in real life?
  28. My grandmother, widowed as young woman, who raised young children from infancy by herself through the Depression, through WWII in an occupied country and then immigrated as a single woman with her children to find a better life.
  29. How would you like to die?
  30. Surrounded by loved ones, probably in a hospice and with perfect pain relief.  I would need plenty of advance notice so that I could properly settle my affairs and say goodbye to my family.
  31. What is your motto?
  32. Don't sweat the small stuff, but keep in mind, everything is small stuff, except for your health and the health of your family.


  1. Sorry, but the bicycle seat remark almost made me spit my coffee! Don't worry Buddy, I'm sure you'll have plenty of men lining up to sit on your face soon enough. I'll give you a guess who will be at the front of the line ;-)

  2. Thanks for's bettter to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all - but you will find love again! I think Larry is waiting in line!

  3. Honestly, Cubby, that was the first and only thing that I thought of! Gives a good indication of where my mind is.

    My original post specified a bicycle seat used by every member of an Italian men's cycling team, but I edited that out. I wouldn't want everyone to think that I was a slutty bicycle seat.

    SteveA: thank you! My wife and I were passionately in love 20 years ago and it saddens me that it didn't / couldn't continue. Since Cubby is happily married, it might just have to be in his dreams.

  4. anne marie in phillyMay 22, 2011 at 11:16 AM

    #13 - so true; been there.

    #10 - also true; for all they have been through, they seem to be very well adjusted mature young people.

    #7 - you look sexay to me; don't change a thing!


  5. A very good MEME indeed; I thank you for sharing your matters with us all.

  6. There are so many great questions and answers, that I couldn't possibly pick a favorite. In regard to the "real you," In my opinion, I see you as incredibly smart, compassionate, talented, respectful, caring and kind; not to mention a very good read.

    btw...I wanted to tell you that the sentiments you've left for Sean at the passing of his beloved Clyde, were beautifully done.

  7. anne marie & Dr. Spo: thank you for being such faithful readers and commenters.

    Life in Queue: Thank you, you are too kind! About my words to Sean, I was just speaking from experience, and from my heart, as I've been through it four times in the past (nearly) 50 years. Thankfully, most of our pets lived to be very old.


Please tell me what you're thinking!